Jenny Rees Mann LRPS


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May 12th 2021 Cottage diary day 422

Covid UK deaths  145,066  +20 today,


A Court Order, which names a Mr Johnson, of 10 Downing Street, was made on 26 October, according to a database of judgements.


May 13th 2021 Cottage diary day 422

Covid UK deaths  145,066  + 20 today,


The judgment was issued in the county court at the Online Civil Money Claims service. The government website says: “If you get a judgment, this means that the court has formally decided that you owe the money.”


And, here we go again; too little, too late. here comes the Delta variant I'm thinking?

“At least 20,000 passengers who could have been infected with a virulent strain of coronavirus were allowed to enter Britain while Boris Johnson delayed imposing a travel ban from India.”